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Pre-MTP Scenarios
In early 2024, staff conducted an analysis of several “what if…” scenarios that was intended to help understand some of the opportunities and limitations presented by significant changes to the basic assumptions underlying the Metropolitan Transportation Plan, such as land use patterns and density, transportation investment decisions, and other related public policies. These scenarios were not intended to be realistic, but rather to help us understand the impacts of these factors as we develop the actual alternatives that will be analyzed as part of Destination 2055.
Destination 2055 is the long-range Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP) for the Triangle region of North Carolina. The plan is being developed cooperatively by the Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (CAMPO) and the Durham-Chapel Hill-Carrboro Metropolitan Planning Organization (DCHC MPO). This plan will identify roadway, transit, rail, bicycle, pedestrian and other transportation projects that are recommended for development over the next 30 years. Read more…
There will be multiple opportunities for public input in the process of creating Destination 2055. Current opportunities include:
Our Goals and Objectives Survey closed on January 15, 2024. Please keep an eye on this website for future public engagement opportunities as we develop Destination 2055.
Click here for additional information on how you can get involved in the plan development process.
It will take about two years to complete the process of drafting and adopting Destination 2055, with initial work beginning in late 2023 and plan adoption anticipated in late 2025. At different points in the process, the public will have opportunities to weigh in on different elements of the plan. Read more…
During plan development, a number of documents will be developed which will be posted here once available.
A variety of agencies provide transportation services in the Triangle region, and a variety of existing transportation plans have been developed for the region. To learn more about these resources, including information on the most recent past Metropolitan Transportation Plan, Connect 2050, please click here.